Here are some links to help you with quest for further education:
- College Board – Get information about the PSAT and SAT
- LearningExpress– Offers free practices exams for college entrance exams
- CollegeNet – 8 key internet admissions services to help you get into college
- FinAid SmartStudent Guide to financial aid for colleges
- Peterson’s Planner – For help in your college search, test prep and financial aid
- U.S. Universities by state – A list of regionally-accredited U.S. universities
- Scholarships
- College Planning from MassEdCo
- College Resource Book List
- Federal Student Aid
- Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA)
- EOC North Shore Community College
- Puritan Lawn Education Foundation Scholarship Application
- Lynn Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Inc.
- GLSS Scholarship