Don’t have time to call the IRS, see if you can find your form online first.
FEDERAL FORMS can be found online here. You can also try calling 1-800-829-3676, or contact your local federal tax office by clicking here.
- STATE FORMS can be found here, as well as contact information for your local office. If you have specific questions about your account, please call (617) 887-MDOR, or toll-free in Massachusetts 1-800-392-6089, or write to PO Box 7010, Boston, MA 02204.
- U.S. Tax Code – This link allows you to access the complete text of the United States Internal Revenue Code, Title 26 of the U.S. Code (26 USC) in a variety of ways. Hyperlinks have been embedded in the Code to permit following cross-references between sections with a simple mouse click. A WAIS-based full-text search engine allows you to quickly locate Code sections by content